raytools (0.1.7)

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working with hdr images, numpy and coordinate transformations for lighting simulation (basic libraries for raytraverse). Installs with a command line tool for calculating daylight metrics from angular fisheye images (similar to evalglare).


Raytools requires MacOS or Linux operating system with python >=3.7. For windows you can consider using docker (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/ ). raytools can be installed in the python:3.9 container.

The easiest way to install raytools is with pip:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install raytools

or if you have cloned this repository:

cd path/to/this/file
pip install .

Note: raytools depends on a small subset of Radiance executables (rcalc, vwrays, getinfo, pvalue). If these are not available in the $PATH at the time of installation, then those precompiled (macos or linux) binaries will be installed to the same bin/ as the current python (and raytools), which could be in a virtualenv. This avoids overriding the existing install of these programs, but it does require that you make sure that the enviroment at installation is the same as when using raytools.

Getting Started

After installation, the raytools executable should be available from the command line. See “raytools –help” and “raytools metric –help” for usage.


Copyright (c) 2022 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


Thanks to additional project collaborators and advisors Marilyne Andersen, Lars Grobe, Roland Schregle, Jan Wienold, and Stephen Wittkopf

This software development was financially supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation as part of the ongoing research project “Light fields in climate-based daylight modeling for spatio-temporal glare assessment” (SNSF #179067).